
The Ambivalence of Technology: Progress and Perils

From Enhancing Daily Life to War Tools, an Examination of the Dual Facets of Modern Technology

Technology, with its rapid evolution and multiple applications, indelibly shapes our world. From the simplicity of long-distance communication to the complexity of military stakes, it offers a panorama of impressive transformations, but also a source of controversies and moral dilemmas.

The Dazzling Technological Advancement

The ability to transmit images and sounds over long distances, which seems commonplace today, was once a technological feat. From the comfort of our homes, we can observe events unfolding at the other end of the world, a convenience that instantly connects us to global news. This virtual proximity, made possible by technological advances, reflects the extraordinary ability of humans to push the boundaries of the possible.

The Shadows of Technology in History

The Role of Technology in Wars

However, this medal has its reverse side. While technology has brought countless benefits, it has also led to dire consequences. The First and Second World Wars are poignant examples, with the introduction of combat tanks and atomic bombs. These inventions, far from simplifying life, have instead served to orchestrate mass destruction, thus illustrating the dark side of technical progress.

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The Era of Artificial Intelligence

Today, we witness the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) in various fields such as health, economy, and unfortunately, the military sector. Contemporary conflicts, like those in Ukraine and Gaza, reveal the increasing use of AI, especially in combat strategies and surveillance. An AI targeting system has been deployed by the Israeli military, marking a turning point in the way war is conducted, with formidable efficiency but also alarming ethical consequences.

The Benefits and Risks of AI

Despite its beneficial applications, AI raises crucial ethical questions. It promises to improve the quality of life, offering innovative solutions for disabled people, like autonomous vehicles or devices that allow control of equipment through thought. However, the potential for these technologies to be diverted for destructive purposes cannot be ignored. Accounts of military operations using AI for surveillance and precise targeting reveal a darker and controversial aspect of these advancements.

The Dark Reality Behind Progress

What is ‘Lavender’, the AI program Israel used to create target lists for elimination in Gaza?

According to a recent investigation published by “972” magazine, the Israeli military has developed an artificial intelligence program named Lavender. This system was used by six Israeli intelligence agencies to identify, track, and neutralize enemy targets. During the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip, Lavender played a significant role in determining targets for strikes, significantly involved in bombing operations that primarily affected Palestinian populations at the beginning of the conflict.

Testimonies indicate that several thousand Palestinians, mostly women, children, and non-combatants, were decimated by airstrikes, particularly during the first week of the conflict.

Lavender is associated with another AI program called Gospel, which was already in place. Gospel is distinguished by its use in a military context, but its primary function is to mark buildings and infrastructures that the military identifies as operational sites for militants. In contrast, Lavender focuses on identifying individuals, classifying them as potential targets to neutralize.

Lavender has been criticized for its role in the surveillance and targeting of civilians in the Gaza Strip, highlighting the risks associated with automated warfare.

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The Ethical and Social Challenge of Technology

Enthusiasm for technological advances is often tempered by the awareness of their potentially harmful implications. Cases of massive surveillance and mistaken targeting illustrate the gap between the promise of a world improved by technology and the reality of abuses that can result. The question then arises of how to balance the undeniable benefits of technology with ethical and humanitarian imperatives.

A Future Shaped by Our Choices

Technology, a reflection of our ingenuity and ambition, remains a tool whose impact is primarily dependent on its use. In the hands of those seeking to improve life, it can perform miracles. However, used indiscriminately or for destructive purposes, it can also become a formidable weapon. The future of technology, and by extension our society, thus depends on the ethical choices and decisions we collectively make to guide its development and application.

This is inspired by Zack Mwekassa’s video.


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